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5 Ways to Figure Out What You Want

Attorney at Work

Jamie Spannhake | Why is it so hard to figure out what we want? Let's take a new approach. The post 5 Ways to Figure Out What You Want appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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AI Year in Review: A Busy 2022 for AI and IP Promises Even More in 2023

IP Watchdog

In general, the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies has the potential to impact society in many ways. These technologies can automate tasks and make them more efficient, which can lead to job displacement and other economic impacts. They can also be used to make decisions that affect people's lives, such as in the criminal justice system or in hiring, which raises ethical concerns.


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Take the Lead (Part I): How to Build a Modern Law Firm Intake System


The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were like a figurative asteroid that violently crashed through the shared expectations of lawyers around client intake —in much the same way that a literal, giant asteroid sent dinosaurs scrambling in all directions. Eventually, the remaining dinosaurs evolved, and–if you believe (spoiler alert) the end of Jurassic Park–they became birds and took flight. .

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Make Money Monday:  Should Lawyers Use TikTok?

My Shingle

In the past four years, the social media platform TikTok grew exponentially, now boasting a billion users a month averaging 850 minutes on the app. Interesting data, but should lawyers be using Tiktok? You might be inclined to respond “hell yes!

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Visibility Into the Strategy & Supporting Documents of Major US Law Firms

Law Firm Intelligence by Trellis aggregates state trial court data across the Trellis platform enabling users to: look up a particular metric related to a specific law firm (such as, how many cases a law firm had or has against another law firm), and see the actual dockets and documents supporting the metric. Trellis data is maximized in a revolutionary and unique way to provide users an exclusive look into a law firm litigating in state trial courts.

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Cybersecurity Trends: 25% of Law Firms Have Been Breached

Attorney at Work

What We Learned in 2021. In December 2021, Dave Ries, a frequent co-presenter with the authors, wrote an excellent summary of the cybersecurity portion of the ABA’s 2021 Legal Technology Survey Report. Perhaps the most striking statistic is that 25% of the survey’s respondents reported that their law firm had been breached at some time. Clearly, law firms are an attractive target for cybercriminals — with a plethora of data about so many people and businesses, law firms are a one-stop-shop for h

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Top Seven Legal Marketing Tactics to Finish the Year Strong?

Attorney at Work

Prepare for a profitable year ahead. Seven top legal marketing tactics to help your law firm finish the year with a bang. The post Top Seven Legal Marketing Tactics to Finish the Year Strong? appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Boredom Is a Gift: Unlock a Powerhouse of Creativity and Problem-Solving

Attorney at Work

Boredom is good for you and might just be the secret key to getting your life back on track. Normally I pepper my articles with data from carefully researched scientific papers and quotes from reputable writers in established magazines, but this one is different. This is from the heart. People outside of law don’t think of it as a creative field. Like a recent meme I shared, maybe a million times too many, they think of attorneys as “attack librarians.” That is not too far off the ma

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Five Ways to Get Back to You

Attorney at Work

Reconnecting with yourself is a critical course correction for a frenzied lawyer; the job can get ahead of you. Here’s how to come back. Sometimes we get busy in life — with work, family, building our business, taking care of others, and on and on. When this happens, we can start going through the motions without even realizing it. Until we wake up one day and think: Who am I?

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Managing Stress: 6 Steps to Becoming a Healthier Lawyer

Attorney at Work

The pressure of being a lawyer takes its toll on your health and happiness. Here are a few tips for managing stress and learning to focus on your health first. Table of contents Preventing the Trainwreck: 6 Steps for Managing Stress and Health 1. Establish Your Baseline 2. Become Body Aware 3. Make Good Food Choices 4. Step Up Your Exercise Routine 5.

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LinkedIn Profile Update: How to Stand Out in 4 Simple, Achievable Steps

Attorney at Work

Here’s how to conduct a thorough LinkedIn profile update — because when your business is running on virtual connections, a stale profile isn’t going to cut it. Dismissing LinkedIn as the “boring” social media network, many professionals are content to slap an outdated photo on their profiles, dash out a nondescriptive tagline, and call it a day (then, promptly forget about the platform for another 16 months).

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Stay On Top of Newly Filed State & Federal Litigation: Curated Just for You!

With Daily Filings Report by Trellis you will receive an email and csv file daily with all new cases filed in the jurisdictions you're tracking. Each new case will include all case metadata like judge, parties, counsel, practice area, and even direct links to the full docket and complaint. Trellis Daily Filings Reports provide direct access to newly filed state and federal litigation curated just for you.

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Law Firm Telephone Etiquette Best Practices

Attorney at Work

Attorney Noble McIntyre shares best practices for rolling out the welcome mat for new clients. First, tips for law firm telephone etiquette. Once someone contacts your law firm, everything — from the receptionist’s demeanor to the conference room decor — can affect whether that person will sign on as a client. So does your practice project a welcoming image or are you sending a different message to prospective clients?

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The Enemy Within: Are Your Thoughts Sabotaging Your Success?

Attorney at Work

One of the most important steps in mental and emotional health is to be aware of your inner thoughts. Over the past few decades, we have discovered a great deal about how the brain works, including how trauma, stress and anxiety affect our reality. For example, cognitive bias and burnout color how we feel about ourselves and the world. We really do view the world through colored filters that are created by our experiences.

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Zoom Background Fails to Avoid at All Costs

Attorney at Work

We’ve all seen the terrifying Zoom fails of pantslessness, live-feed bathroom trips, and unmuted fetid rants about the host. We’re not those people. We’d never show up naked or allow our untethered howling spawn to step into the frame. We’re professionals here. But even professionals make mistakes. While you are strictly a pants-on Zoomer, holding the audience’s attention during a presentation is a toughly competitive business.

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How to Take a Vacation

Attorney at Work

I recently took a two-week vacation: 11 days in Hawaii. It was amazing. It was the perfect balance of activity, relaxation and adventure. What struck me most, though, was when I returned home. On the night before returning to work and clients, I thought: “I am so excited to go to work tomorrow, to meet with clients!” It made me realize that it had been a really long time since I felt excited about going to work the next day.

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Law Firms of All Sizes Can Easily Integrate AI Tools Into eDiscovery

Attorney at Work

Artificial intelligence tools have become prevalent in legal practice, particularly in eDiscovery. That doesn’t mean, however, that law firms and litigation support teams have been quick to embrace them. Despite their benefits, many legal organizations have been hesitant to implement AI tools. AI Hesitation. In the ABA 2020 Legal Tech Survey , 23% of law firms reported not being interested in AI, while 34% said they didn’t know enough about AI to speak to their firms’ interest.

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Q&A With Heather Oden: Ball Janik’s COO on the Role Legal Ops Plays Today

Attorney at Work

Attorney at Work’s new “You at Work Spotlight” series focuses on the crucial role business professionals play in law firms of all sizes — including newly emerging career options in the legal industry. In our first interview, we focus on the role of the chief operating officer and the demands the pandemic has placed on legal operations. Heather J. Oden is the Chief Operating Officer at Ball Janik, LLP , based in Portland, Oregon, where she oversees the whole gamut of the firm’s business operation

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The War for Talent: Great Expectations

Attorney at Work

Wendy Merrill | If you haven't recently reviewed and documented expectations of associates, partners or staff, it is time to do so. The post The War for Talent: Great Expectations appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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How to Change Your Law Firm Name

Attorney at Work

As more states are allowing law firms to use trade names instead of maintaining the outdated requirement that firms be named after current or former partners, you may be considering rebranding your firm. I’m in the process of rebranding my firm (more on that in a future post), and I want to share the 10 steps I went through to change my law firm name in Arizona.

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Struggling to Reach Potential Clients? Find the Middleman

Attorney at Work

To reach your target potential clients, focus on building relationships with referral sources who are “gatekeepers.” . Recently, I was talking with a gentleman about his shoulder replacement surgery. He said he knows an anesthesiologist who had recommended the surgeon. The anesthesiologist told him, “I’m in the operating room and see all the surgeons at work.

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Building a Law Firm That Pays You First

Attorney at Work

When you started your law firm, it was probably just you — and maybe a paralegal or assistant. Then more business came in and you were working crazy hours, so you hired. You didn’t really care what you paid in salaries; you just needed the help. When somebody said they needed something, you usually said fine, “Order it!” Because in the beginning, you were making really good money.

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Our Law Firm Is Too Small to Be in Danger From Cyberattacks – Wrong!

Attorney at Work

Think Again About the Cybersecurity Risks of Small Law Firms. It is astonishing how often small law firms tell us that they are too small to be at serious risk for cyberattacks. Anecdotally, we can tell them of many successful attacks on small law firms, though our knowledge is derived from successful attacks where we’ve been called in to investigate or remediate the damage, so we cannot identify the law firms.

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Building a Better Law Practice: 7 Reasons to Specialize

Attorney at Work

Law specialization has become increasingly common — almost a necessity. . Abraham Lincoln, licensed to practice law in 1837 in Illinois, may be the archetypal general practice attorney. The Lincoln Legal Papers Project identified over 5,600 cases and nearly 100,000 documents related to Lincoln’s law practice. The paper trail revealed scores of cases involving debt collection, business partnerships, estate settlements, divorce and real estate litigation.

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Redefining What It Means to Be ‘Responsive’ to Clients

Attorney at Work

Is your hyper-responsiveness creating email overload and more stress? Finding focused time to get important work done requires defining “responsiveness” on your terms. Early in my legal career, I assumed that “being responsive” meant that I needed to respond immediately to emails from clients and colleagues. As a result, I spent a significant amount of my normal working hours in my inbox playing digital ping pong.

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Eloquence Makes Every Word Important

Attorney at Work

Eloquent speakers understand that in every setting, every minute should be informing, perhaps delighting, your audience. Every lawyer needs to speak with colleagues, clients and prospects. Litigators need to address the court and sometimes jurors. Some lawyers give formal presentations. To develop eloquence for these situations, understand what eloquence is.

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5 Benefits of Launching a Law Firm Website 

Attorney at Work

Sooner or later, every lawyer in solo or small firm practice asks themselves whether they should create a law firm website — or how long they can put it off. Given all the unknowns — cost, scope, disruption — they may wonder whether launching a law firm website is really necessary, especially if they already have a robust digital presence. Maybe you have started by claiming a free Google business profile for your law firm and using social media to connect with potential clients.

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Why Legal Teams Are Joining the Low-Code Revolution

Attorney at Work

ContractPodAI's CTO discusses how low code is changing the way the legal industry carries out work. The post Why Legal Teams Are Joining the Low-Code Revolution appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Removing Succession Planning Obstacles

Attorney at Work

Roy Ginsburg | If you want your best clients to stay when your baby boomer lawyers leave, succession planning is the most effective insurance policy. The post Removing Succession Planning Obstacles appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Clients Are Spending More on Legal Tech: Can Smaller Firms Keep Up?

Attorney at Work

Law firms of all sizes are feeling pressure to meet client demand for both tailored services and greater efficiencies in this rapidly changing industry. Legal teams are being pressed to control costs and better respond to changing regulatory and risk management obligations. In response, they are investing more in automation, advanced analytics and other technologies that will help them manage the workload.

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A New Year Unfolds With Artificial Intelligence: Five Legal Tech Predictions for 2023

Attorney at Work

Nicole Clark maps out a few of the most important innovations to expect in the coming year. The post A New Year Unfolds With Artificial Intelligence: Five Legal Tech Predictions for 2023 appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Don’t DIY Your Legal Data APIs

Attorney at Work

Josh Blandi | Why lawyers should use Managed Services Providers for API integrations. The post Don’t DIY Your Legal Data APIs appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Analog Attorney Gifts for Attorneys Who Analog

Attorney at Work

We've said it before: A fountain pen is a perfect gift. Here are seven great ones. The post Analog Attorney Gifts for Attorneys Who Analog appeared first on Attorney at Work.

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Feeling Stuck? 8 Steps to Finding Your Purpose

Attorney at Work

If you’re having trouble finding your purpose, here’s the advice “Fit to Practice” podcaster Angela Han gives to lawyers yearning to break free. The question I hear most from other lawyers is, “How do you get unstuck in your work, home and life?” Many lawyers feel trapped by the career choices we’ve made. We can’t leave our jobs, but we can’t stay.

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Building a Solid Relationship With Clients Throughout the Client Journey

Attorney at Work

You can prepare a dynamite brief or brilliant estate plan, but if the client journey is difficult, your client still may not be happy. After 15 months in progress, our new custom home was completed recently. As one might expect, between COVID-19, supply chain issues and labor shortages, all did not go smoothly. I’m no house-building novice — this is the eighth home we’ve built — so I understand that things don’t always go as planned and I know it’s not always the contractor’s fault.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Raise Your Legal Fees

Attorney at Work

Some lawyers always seem fearful of increasing legal fees — recession or no recession, crisis or no crisis. If you are wondering whether to raise your hourly rates or fixed fees, my advice — with very limited exceptions — is to go for it. Clients are never as price-sensitive as you think. The Two Biggest Reasons Lawyers Are Afraid to Raise Legal Fees.

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Top Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firms in 2022

Attorney at Work

Whether you manage your firm’s digital marketing strategy yourself or outsource your marketing, lawyers — especially small law firm owners — need to stay on top of the latest digital marketing advancements to ensure their websites continue to drive potential clients their way. As we round out the month of January, let us take a look at the top digital marketing trends for 2022.