June, 2022

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Lawyers: Why Is It So Hard to Ask for Help?

Attorney at Work

Asking for help is crucial to your success, both personally and professionally. Here are five ways to get better at asking for it and accepting it. Lawyers are expected to always know the answers, handle the pressure and not make mistakes. Wow! No wonder our jobs can cause us so much stress! Even when we are meeting these unrealistic expectations, we can benefit from letting others help us.

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Take the Lead (Part I): How to Build a Modern Law Firm Intake System


The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were like a figurative asteroid that violently crashed through the shared expectations of lawyers around client intake —in much the same way that a literal, giant asteroid sent dinosaurs scrambling in all directions. Eventually, the remaining dinosaurs evolved, and–if you believe (spoiler alert) the end of Jurassic Park–they became birds and took flight. .


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Thaler Pursues Copyright Challenge Over Denial of AI-Generated Work Registration

IP Watchdog

On June 2, Dr. Stephen Thaler filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. naming as defendants both the United States Copyright Office (USCO) and Shira Perlmutter, in her official capacity as Register of Copyrights and Director of the USCO. The complaint marks the start of a new phase of Thaler’s attempts at obtaining a copyright registration for “A Recent Entrance to Paradise,” an AI-generated work that is the output of Thaler’s AI system known as Creativity Machine.

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“Hotel California” Law Firm Charged With Ethics Violations for Making It Impossible for Lawyers to Leave

My Shingle

“Relax, ” said the night man “We are programmed to receive” “You can check-out any time you like” “But you can never leave!” –Hotel California, The Eagles We’re all familiar with the song Hotel California, that fictitious resort where guests are trapped for eternity.

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Visibility Into the Strategy & Supporting Documents of Major US Law Firms

Law Firm Intelligence by Trellis aggregates state trial court data across the Trellis platform enabling users to: look up a particular metric related to a specific law firm (such as, how many cases a law firm had or has against another law firm), and see the actual dockets and documents supporting the metric. Trellis data is maximized in a revolutionary and unique way to provide users an exclusive look into a law firm litigating in state trial courts.

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A Productivity Hack For In-House Lawyers


A productivity hack for in-house lawyers courtesy of the venerable Sterling Miller! As many are getting out of their jammies and back to in-office work (some more happily than others), it may be time to add tools to the skillset to help you maximize your work and life efficiency. Some have honed their skills during the pandemic as work from home brought more distractions, while others continued along with the same (sometimes bad) habits that impacted productivity for the worse.

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How Can I Protect My Client’s Sensitive Information?


The digital age is transforming virtually every industry, and the legal field is no exception. Modern tools and techniques like eDiscovery, legal research analytics, automated document assembly, and e-filing are streamlining and improving the traditional litigation process. Yet this digital transformation also creates increased cybersecurity risks. Law firms are especially vulnerable because of the sensitive client and case data.

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A New Legal Tech Leader is Born


The post A New Legal Tech Leader is Born appeared first on MyCase.

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Note to Senators: U.S. Patent Office Remains Under a Permanent Injunction

IP Watchdog

On June 8, 2022, Senators Leahy, Blumenthal, Klobuchar, Cornyn, Collins and Braun sent a letter to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Director Kathi Vidal expressing concern about so-called “patent thickets” and requesting that she consider changes to the USPTO regulations and practices to address perceived problems with patent examination. The senators asked the USPTO to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking (which presumably must include new draft regulations) or at a minimum, a public r

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Sidehustles for Lawyers:  How To Achieve Your Dream on Your Schedule Legally and Ethically?

My Shingle

As you’ve probably heard a million times already, we’re living in the age of the Great Reassessment where employees are rethinking their priorities and leaving their jobs to pursue their passion.

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Corporate Counsel Compensation Is Soaring


Corporate counsel compensation is soaring according to BarkerGilmore’s 2022 In-House Counsel Compensation Report. This is good news for in-house counsel and those seeking in-house counsel jobs, as it means that in-house law departments are boosting pay at the same time as law firms. Can in-house law departments keep up with Biglaw? Unlikely, but for many the benefits of being an in-house lawyer outweigh the loss in compensation.

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Stay On Top of Newly Filed State & Federal Litigation: Curated Just for You!

With Daily Filings Report by Trellis you will receive an email and csv file daily with all new cases filed in the jurisdictions you're tracking. Each new case will include all case metadata like judge, parties, counsel, practice area, and even direct links to the full docket and complaint. Trellis Daily Filings Reports provide direct access to newly filed state and federal litigation curated just for you.

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Will Automation Technology Replace the Court Reporter?

The Cloud Court Blog

Has your litigation team been challenged to book a court reporter for a deposition? Are you a skilled freelancer with a high accuracy rate irritated by cheap legal service providers who deliver horrible transcription services? Are you dubiously intrigued by deposition services without stenographers who are just using digital court reporting technology?

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Retirement and the Unexpected Return to the Office

Attorney at Work

Retirees returning to work is a rising trend in the workplace. Camille Stell interviews attorney Will Graebe on his unexpected return to work and lessons learned. Millions of Americans left the workforce during the pandemic, 4.2 million people between March 2020 and July 2021. According to U.S. Labor Department data, 2.4 million of those were older workers.

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A Definitive Guide to Understanding Lawyer Hourly Rate


At one point or another, most attorneys will need to set an hourly rate, whether for a complex criminal case or even for something as simple as drafting a contract. During this process, the first question typically asked is, “what is the average lawyer hourly rate?” . Below, we’ll explain the key things you need to know about lawyer costs and billing practices.

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Vidal to Review Institution of Cases Against VLSI Under Interim Director Review Process

IP Watchdog

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Director Kathi Vidal has intervened in two Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) cases that have caused much controversy in the patent world. Vidal yesterday granted Director Review in both OpenSky Industries, LLC v. VLSI Technology LLC, IPR2021-01064 and Patent Quality Assurance, LLC v. VLSI Technology LLC, IPR2021-01229, both of which have been the subject of scrutiny by members of Congress and patent practitioners, since the petitioners involve

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Artificial Intelligence and Legal Defensibility – Distinguishing AI Concepts and Explaining in Plain Language


We are often asked if we incorporate artificial intelligence (“AI”) into our legal workflows and electronic discovery processes. This question is not surprising given the efficiencies and cost savings associated with AI. Typically, these questions are followed by inquiries into how the AI tools work and their defensibility. That is, how the use of AI can be defended if its use is challenged by a judge or opposing party.

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Legal Departments Not Viewed As Good Business Partners


Legal departments are not viewed as good business partners according to recent reporting. This view is not shared by the departments themselves, so there appears to be quite a disconnect brewing. Perhaps more effort needs to be made to break the reactive cycle that often exists and that can prevent the law department from being viewed as a cost-effective member of the business team.

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What is Stenography?: An Overview of Stenography's Litigation History


Shorthand writing systems have been known for hundreds of years, created to record the spoken word verbatim and use the transcript in a formal setting. Even with the advent of modern speech-to-text and AI technology, stenography continues to be a trusted tool for court reporting, relied upon by lawyers and judges. Court stenographers play an essential role in a courtroom, including remote hearings, depositions, and virtual trials.

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How to Avoid Asking for Business

Attorney at Work

Asking for business is awkward at best. I’ve finally figured out why so many lawyers want to know, “But how do I ask for the work?” It’s because the picture they have in their minds is a pretty scary one. It goes something like this: You and a former colleague are sitting together over coffee or lunch. You share stories about your kids’ accomplishments and talk about your summer vacations — then you blurt out, “So … got any work you can give to me?”.

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Your Go-To Handbook for Digital Marketing for Law Firms


Legal marketing is not something most lawyers like to think about. Still, it’s an essential part of running a successful law firm. After all, you can’t possibly practice law without clients. Word of mouth is no longer enough to bring in new business. Law firms must continually update their marketing strategies to stay productive and profitable in today’s competitive landscape.

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Petition Asks SCOTUS to Clarify Takings Clause in Context of Copyright Infringement

IP Watchdog

Following a denial of rehearing en banc by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in February, publishing company Canada Hockey L.L.C., doing business as Epic Sports, and Michael Bynum, a sportswriter and editor, have now filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court in their appeal of a copyright case against both Texas A&M University and a pair of school officials.

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The Top 10 Golden Rules of Argumentation

The Successful Lawyer

” These rules will make you a better lawyer – whether arguing by zoom, in court, or in a settlement conference in the judge’s chambers. My inbox and Twitter feed have been flooded with top ten lists. Most of the advice is redundant and commonsense (lift weights, read more, get more sleep, etc.), but some of it is truly helpful. So, I decided to create my own top ten list.

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Branching Out to Expand Your Clientele

Attorney at Work

As a sports fan, I always like reading about “coaching trees.” Coaching trees are like family trees but they show how one coach produced other successful coaches who went on to other teams. While there is some disagreement about who has generated the greatest tree, many will point to Bill Walsh, one of whose early “branches” was Mike Holgren, whose own branches produced Andy Reid and Jon Gruden.

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Opportunity in Crisis: Innovative Ways Law Firms Are Stepping Up Client Relationships

Attorney at Work

How have law firms supported their clients during the COVID-19 pandemic? A dozen business development professionals talk about the innovative ways their firms have strengthened relationships and created deeper ties. Businesses around the world continue to feel the pandemic’s impact in countless ways. Most in-house legal departments still grapple with the challenges of working remotely, making do with leaner budgets and resources, and managing virtual teams — all during an unprecedented era acros

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Be a Stoic to Win in the Workplace

Attorney at Work

The Stoic Marcus Aurelius kept a daily journal. He reviewed his day each evening through short, terse, simple paragraphs. He began each day reviewing the previous evening’s notes. Aurelius felt journaling ordered his thoughts, helping him live a more productive life. His “Meditations” collected these private thoughts. They’ve guided business and political leaders since 180 A.D.

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Depression in Lawyers: Bad News and Good News

Attorney at Work

When lawyers start talking about stress and depression, they are usually talking about the effect their law practice has on their sense of well-being, self-value and self-esteem. In a recent ALM Mental Health and Substance Abuse Survey , 31.2% of lawyers surveyed felt they were depressed — that is four times the depression rate of the general population.

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Stick Around: 4 Ideas to Keep Associates from Leaving Your Law Firm

Attorney at Work

What can law firms do to solve the associate retention quandary and make their culture “stickier?” Four employee retention strategies to try. A few years ago, when I spoke with law firms about the importance of investing in the professional development and satisfaction of their associates, my comments were often met with eye rolls and jokes about work-life balance.

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Can Lawyers Ethically Store and Transmit Client Info in the Cloud?

Attorney at Work

QUESTION: Our law firm would like to reduce our paper and physical storage use and costs by “going to the cloud” with our data. Before we invest in training our attorneys and staff, how do we know what companies are secure and trustworthy? We don’t want an ethics violation due to a data breach of our clients’ confidential information. ANSWER: In many instances, data you are using and communicating with your clients are already being stored and managed with cloud-based technology.

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Four Tips for Writing Legal Blog Posts that People Will Actually Read

Attorney at Work

Legal blog posts follow one of three formats: the case law breakdown, evergreen analysis or future forecast. Here’s how to write a well-structured case law breakdown post. Let’s face it. Many legal blog posts are easy to ignore. They’re long-winded, lack structure, and fail to serve the reader. Want to write better blog posts? I’m assuming you’ve got the substance nailed.

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Searing Lessons From a State Bar Complaint: A Lawyer’s Story

Attorney at Work

Being on the receiving end of a state bar complaint and sanction is awful. It’s painful, it’s public and, frankly, it’s humiliating. Unfortunately, that’s something I know from personal experience. An Ethics Sanction Needn’t Be a Professional Death Sentence. That is, not if you don’t allow it to become one. Understandably, few attorneys want to talk about their experience with the disciplinary process, even though it’s not as rare as some might think.

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Home Office Setup: The Best Products for Comfort, Productivity and Joy

Attorney at Work

The best home office setup goes beyond the computer. You already know you need two monitors. You’ve figured out you need an ergonomic wireless mouse. You’ve got online file storage and security protocols out the wazoo. But as we hurtle further into the new year, you might be thinking, “Could my home office setup be better? Could I create a space in which I thrive?

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Top 10 Reasons Small Law Firms Use Practical Law

Attorney at Work

Spotlight: Practical Law enables attorneys to get up to speed quickly and more efficiently translate research into quality work product. “Practical Law enables us to respond to our clients quickly and effectively, delivering increased efficiency and value.” – Scott M. Coffey, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs. Practical Law ® is the source of trusted, readily available standard documents, practice notes, checklists, legal updates, how-to guides, and more.

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Fountain Pen Obsession Starter Kit

Attorney at Work

You’re on the Mont Blanc website pining for a fountain pen. They’re so classy. So stylish and personal. Still, when your significant other finds out you paid $670 for a pen, there’s a fair chance they’ll snatch it out of your hands and stick it up your nose. So you click away from the site and get back to work. Then you have to sign an important document.

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Funding Growth: Are You Starving Your Law Firm?

Attorney at Work

Your firm is likely the biggest wealth creator you’ll have in your life. Instead of starving your firm by pulling out all the profits, continue funding growth — and accelerating profits — by feeding your firm’s war chest. It’s hard to start a law firm. There are a lot of moving pieces and a steep learning curve — especially on the management side.

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Knowing Is Half the Battle: Pro Tips for Your First Assignment as an Associate

Attorney at Work

Looking back to when I was a new attorney in BigLaw, I think what made it especially stressful was the fact I just didn’t know what I didn’t know. And I didn’t even know enough to know what questions to ask. In light of that, here are a few questions you may want to consider asking when you get that first assignment. Four Questions a New Attorney Needs to Ask About Assignments. 1.

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Attorney at Work’s Gift Guide for Law School Graduates

Attorney at Work

Sadly, our limited-edition classic Attorney at Work coffee mugs are on back order. But don’t worry: The editors have you covered with five great law school graduation gift ideas to celebrate the soon-to-be lawyer. 1. Mark the Occasion With a Classic Fountain Pen. The best fountain pens are works of art that keep their value over time. If you are new to the fountain pen world, check these recommendations from Analog Attorney’s “Fountain Pen Obsession Starter Kit.” Our re

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